Which FINS are best for you?

They are called Fins.

Flipper was a dolphin. 

With the exception of the mask, Fins are by far the most personal of all your equipment. It's not possible to look at a pair of fins and say, "these will work", without trying them first. To do otherwise can often result in cramping and blistering. ADI does not recommend buying a pair of fins without trying them first. Trust us, your feet will thank you.

The right fins provide a balance of propulsion, control and comfort, while the wrong ones can cause cramps and increase air consumption. With so many styles, finding the perfect match can be overwhelming. Here’s a quick guide…

Generally speaking, full pocket or full foot fin are for snorkelers and open heel fins are for divers.

The full foot fin –

It fits like a shoe, so it is important that it is a good fit. The open heel is designed like a slipper with a strap. The foot slides into a pocket, and a strap goes over the heel that holds it in place. This type of a fin is worn with booties made of neoprene.Seawing Nova Full Foot Fin

The full foot fin when properly fitted allows for a more efficient transfer of power from the legs to the fin. However, a poor fit can lead to blisters, and you could even lose your fin along the way. Additionally, the full foot fin is not recommended for cold water diving because your bare foot would be exposed.

The open heel fin –

More popular even in warm water diving locations. Fin manufacturers reflect this belief in that they offer more different models in the open heel version. While the foot pocket must still be a good fit, the compression of the neoprene in the boot means that the fit is not as critical as with the full foot design.

Jet Sport FinsYou could also change the thickness of your boots if you are diving in waters of different temperatures. As mentioned before the full heel is touted as a tropical water fin, many divers still prefer the extra protection the booties give over the bare foot.
There are, basically, two fin blade styles: the paddle and the split fin. In recent years, some fin manufacturers included a subclass of the paddle as a modified paddle.

Paddle Blade Fin –

The paddle fin is the most common style of blades and is the same as they were 50 years ago at first glance. While the materials have changed and small design changes have resulted in remarkably improved efficiency, the blade is a solid piece that connects back to the foot pocket.Scubapro JetFin

The paddle design works to propel you through the water with a fin that is relatively inflexible or stiff. The stiffer the fin, the more effort is needed to get started. While they do require the most muscle, they provide good power.

The Modified Paddle Blade Fin-

Modified paddles do not have the blade extending the full width back to the foot pocket. Different designs have cut outs close to the foot that reduces effort on the upward kick. Using various materials over the different areas of the fin allows a more flexible fin that is more efficient.

The Split Fin –

Twin Jet FinsThe split fin is a design that is relatively new, and many divers swear they are the best that happened to humankind since the invention of light. The blade is very flexible and is split down the center. As you move the fin through the water, it acts more like a propeller than a paddle. The flexibility of the fins creates a stream of water like a vortex of a propeller or the force of a jet.

Straps & Buckles -

Basic straps need adjusting each time you wear the fins.

Quick release buckles let you un-clip the strap without loosening it, for easier fin removal. 

Spring or bungee clips mean you can simply pull the strap over your heel.

Spring Straps

They are comfortable, quick, and can be fitted to most fins.

Always carry spares, because a broken strap will render your fins useless!

Reading about the different types and styles of fins is great. But until you actually try them in the water, there is no way to know if any particular fin will work for you.

At American Divers International, we pride ourselves on making sure the life-support equipment you purchase fits your needs and is comfortable. As with any purchase, you are always welcome to jump in our heated pool and try out different equipment before you buy it!
