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Becky Morin

Becky Morin

Hometown: Merritt Island, Florida

Current Career: Owner of American Divers International

Past Careers: Early Childhood Educator

When did you start diving?: I learned to dive in 2009.

What's your most memorable dive?: The Pinnicle dives in Saba are the most memorable for me. It was the first time I'd been that deep (100+ feet), and we were visited by a huge Leatherback Turtle!

Where is the most exotic place you've dove?: Again, Saba is the most exotic place I've been so far. But I've only just begun to travel! Looking forward to even more exotic locations soon!

What's on your Diving Bucket List?: Fiji and Africa are the two places I really want to dive.

Favorite hobby outside of diving: I love to read and cook and play with my puppies!

Born in Nebraska, Becky moved with her family to Merritt Island in 1983. After graduating High School, she worked in Real Estate before attending UCF and earning her degree in Early Childhood Education. After a few years of teaching, the opportunity to work with her husband and take over the family business was too good of an opportunity to pass up. She now co-owns the store with Jeff, is the cheerful voice you'll usually hear when you call, and is the driving force behinds the scenes at ADI.
